Early Intervention
Delayed intervention is associated with an increased risk of complications
Percent increase in CV events in patients with a 1-year delay in receiving intensive therapy and HbA1c ≥ 7% vs < 7% :* retrospective UK study (N=105,477)1
- Paul SK et al. Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2015;14:100.
Early intensive intervention to achieve target HbA1c1
- Same sequence of interventions but each staage of treatment is brought forward to provide better and more rapid glycaemic control
- * HbA1c = hemohlobin A1c; OAD=oral antidiabetic drug.
- Del. Prato S, Felton AM, Munro N, et al. Improving glucose management: ten steps to get more patients with type 2 diabetes to glycaemic goal. int j clin pract. 2005;59(11):1345-1355.