Cardiovascular Disease


Pulmonary fibrosis is the manifestation of many different conditions that causes scar tissue to build up in the lungs and patients suffering from the condition often experience breathing difficulty. Pulmonory Fibrosis is a common threat across a wide range of interstitial lung diseases (ILDs), including connective tissue diseases (CTDs) and can be a key driver of irreversible harm and early mortality, and requires urgent identification and intervention.1

In 2014, we have forayed into the space of inflammation and have emerged as a leader in the treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) to help patients suffering with their disease.2 Since then, we have gotten approvals globally for other types of lung diseases such as Systemic Sclerosis interstitial lung disease (SSc-ILD) and progressive fibrosis interstitial lung disease (PF-ILD).3,4 To date, OFEV® has clinical experience exceeding 80,000 patient-years worldwide.5

1. Wells AU, Brown KK, Flaherty KR, Kolb M, Thannickal VJ, on behalf of the IPF Consensus Working Group. Eur Resp J. 2018;51:1800692.
2. Richeldi L, du Bois RM, Raghu G, et al; for the INPULSIS® Trial Investigators. Efficacy and safety of nintedanib in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. N Engl J Med. 2014;380(22):2071-2082.
3. Distler O, Highland KB, Gahlemann M, et al. Nintedanib for systemic sclerosis–associated interstitial lung disease. N Engl J Med. 2019;380:2518-2528.
4. Flaherty KR, Wells AU, Cottin V, et al. Nintedanib in progressive fibrosing interstitial lung diseases. N Engl J Med. 2019;381(18):1718-1727.
5. Boehringer Ingelheim. Presentations for the July 25, 2019 Meeting of the Arthritis Advisory Committee. 2019 (Accessed July 25 2019). Available at:
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Nintedanib (OFEV®)

Nintedanib (OFEV®)

OFEV® is an antifibrotic therapy that has been shown to slow interstitial lung disease (ILD) progression across a broad range of patients with progressive pulmonary fibrosis in three large phase 3 clinical trials and an open-label extension study.1


1. OFEV® summary of product characteristics. Boehringer lngelheim International GmbH. April 2020.

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Production date: Aug 2020