PeRsonalized apprOach in Lung adenocarciNoma with EGFR-TKI therapy (PROLONG)
Speaker: Assoc Prof Dr Ho Gwo-Fuang
Document ID: PC-MY-101817
Watch Assoc Prof. Dr Ho Gwo Fuang share his insights on the significance of personalizing the approach with targeted EGFR-TKI therapy in lung adenocarcinoma during the 2021 Best of ASCO meeting symposium session ‘PeRsonalized apprOach in Lung adenocarciNoma with EGFR-TKI therapy (PROLONG)'

Assoc Prof Dr Ho Gwo Fuang

Associate Professor
Clinical Oncologist/Radiotherapist
University Malaya Medical Centre
University Malaya Specialist Centre
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia